So you want to be an artist, or publish a book, or start a podcast and there is SO MUCH information out there that you might not know where to start. Or, maybe you've taken the time to dive into the information but you need someone with expierence to answer your burning questions!  

What you can expect from your coaching session:

* Motivation and guidance from someone who has been where you are now. 

* Tips for best practices on approaching store owners.

* Advice on best printing processes. 

* The ins and outs of the greeting card industry.

* Help creating a successful online shop.

* Advice for navigating licensing.

* Tips on running a successful Kickstarter campaign. 

* Starting and marketing a podcast.

* Writing and marketing a book.



When you walk away from this session, you will have a clear idea of the next steps to move you forward in your business. To get started, email me here to reserve your hour of one-on-one coaching.

With over 10 years of expierence as a working artist and publishing industry (in addition to licensing, trade show and podcast expierence) I can show you how to create a strategic plan for your business, walk you though the costs of starting your journey, and show you the way to success in your art business.

1. Click the Paypal button below to submit your payment.

2. I'll email you to schedule the time.

3. We Skype (or ZOOM) our hearts out and hopefully laugh and drink tea!

One hour long gab session is $99

 or $130 for a 1.5 hour session.

Work with Me.

Ready? Click the Paypal button above if you're ready to get your chat on!

Feel free to ask me any questions via the form below or send me an email!